Monday, March 21, 2011

Sis. Thaden's Birthday

Hello, all!

It's a beautiful day in Germany! So beautiful that Sis. Thaden and I are going out picture-taking. So I'll make this brief.

Highlight of the week: Sister Thaden's Birthday!

It was awesome. I made french toast for breakfast and decorated the apartment while she was still sleeping, which was fun. I also organized a surprise birthday party at the church. By the way, it is super hard to plan a surprise party for someone who is with you 24/7, haha. I had to make all of our plans while she was in the shower. And then later we went up to Usingen and had a barbecue with the elders in our district. It was really fun!

Also, we got transfer calls on Saturday, and Sister Thaden and I are both staying together, which is really good news! When we told Karin that we were both staying, she got really excited and hugged us and said, 'I have been praying and praying so hard that you would both stay!' It made me feel really good to know that the Lord is aware of his people and watches out for them. Also, it is Sis. Thaden's last cycle on her mission, so in 6 weeks she'll go home to the states. In mission terms, this means she is going to 'die' in this area, and I am going to be the one to 'kill' her. :)

Oh man, a ridiculous eating appointment from this week: Friday we went to Sis. Vollath's, and she gave us the most DISGUSTING food ever. it was a mixture of different cold salads. Potato and tuna, egg and mushroom with curry, feld salat with rancid olive oil on it, and a side of ASPIC cubes. Do you know what aspic is? I only knew from watching 'Julie&Julia'. It is beef jello, basically. Nasty, cold, beef jello. Hahahaha. It was an experience I'll never forget.

Well, that's about it! It's a beautiful day, things are going great, our mission had 6 baptisms last week, and we're getting a lot of good work done here!

Hope all is well back home!


Sister Jensen

P.S. Grandma Jones - Yes, we're allowed to read Church News articles. Thank you for the one you sent! I'll write more in a letter.

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