Monday, March 28, 2011

I can't remember what week we're on now, and I don't really have a good title for this post.

Hello everyone,

Well, we had a great first week of this cycle! I don't have a lot of time to email today, but I'll tell you some quick highlights:

- Sister Thaden and I made homemade pretzels, and they were SO GOOD. Our ward has a potluck every fast Sunday, which was yesterday (because of conference this weekend), and we brought delicious baked goods.

- I took my mission driving test and passed (woo hoo! Actually it was really easy. Mostly just learning what German road signs mean). Getting a license in Germany is really ridiculously hard and expensive if you're a German. It costs thousands of dollars and driving school is pretty hard. Luckily, with an American license it's pretty easy to translate over, and way cheaper.

- We had a good lesson with Falko this week. He's a newly baptized member, but we have a hard time getting him to church. Anyway, he loves to study the scriptures and conference talks, so we gave him a bunch of our favorites for him to read, and afterward he promised he'd come to church next week to watch General Conference.

- Everyone here has these weird pink rocks in their house, so we finally asked what they were, and apparently they're made from Himalayan salt, and when you have lamps or candles in them, they give off all this healthy salt air or something. I've come to discover that Germans are really into weird health things. Especially when it comes to food. Some of it is pretty cool, but a lot of it is just out there, haha.

- We gave a temple tour on Saturday to a bunch of younger kids, which was fun. My favorite part, though, was when we were talking about the Angel Moroni statue on temple. I asked, 'Why was Moroni important?' and a little kid up front said, 'Because he was a really good trumpet player!' Of course. Why didn't I think of that?

Anyway, I'd better get going. Hope all is well back home! Love you all!

Sister Jensen

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