Hello, everyone!
Man, I think every week is the new best week of my life. Yesterday, we had a whole day where everything was going just perfectly! At the end of the day we decided to count up how many miracles we had seen, and we counted 13. Some were small (like miraculously catching the tram to church), and others were a little bigger. For example, we haven't been able to get ahold of one of our investigators for almost a week, and we were sitting in the train thinking, 'Man, I wish we could just talk to him...' and just then he called us and asked if we could meet that night! We had a really powerful lesson with him. He's one of those rare people who is genuinely seeking truth. And he's a 21-year-old guy. There are so many other things he could be doing, but he takes time out of his social life to see if our message is true.
Oh, I was also in Hamm again this week, on a split. It was cool to be back there. I have so many good memories from that city!
This weekend is Karneval, and it's really big in Köln and Düsseldorf. Everywhere we go there are people dressed up in costumes. It's basically like Halloween mixed with Mardi Gras, except it's the whole weekend (from Thursday until Monday -- today is the big day), and people get way more drunk. Also, unlike Halloween in the states, EVERYONE dresses up here. Older people too (like 60, 70, 80-year-olds, even). And the costumes are sort of more... I don't know. Silly. Or wacky. I don't know the right word. Like how you'd picture cheap costumes in the states. And the most common ones are hippies (like 1970's hippies with flower-print bellbottoms), American Indians, and clowns. It was really funny to go to the train station and see a sea of costumes.
Sometimes it's not so funny, though, because there are so many drunk people smashing beer bottles all over the place. We were told by the mission not to go downtown for the whole week. It's so packed and there's so much broken glass on the ground that drunk people who fall down get cut up way bad. Also, we were in a train yesterday (Sunday) and a big fight started on the train, and we were with our investigator's little kids and they were crying and scared because people were screaming and pushing and throwing glass bottles. The police were already waiting at the next stop, though, and they broke it up. But that was only after three or four people dressed as policemen for Karneval tried to break it up, haha. I think they were also drunk, and thought they were real policemen.
We had a really cool experience this week: We doored into a man and offered to sing him a song for Karneval, and he was really touched by the music, and he told us that the day before he was considering committing suicide, but then he didn't, and he prayed to God saying that he wanted to find the truth, and whatever God sent him as a sign, that was the way that he would follow. Then the next day, we were there. We talked to him for about an hour, and made out an appointment to come back. I almost couldn't believe it. It was like a story straight out of the Ensign. God really does look out for his children.
There were about ten other cool stories from this week, but they'll have to wait! I never even get time to write everything in my journal anymore because so much happens every day! I am just loving life right now. It is the happiest time in my mission.
I love all of you so much! If you get time, please pray for our investigators. We have so many who are so close, and they could use your faith.
Lots of love and hugs,
Sister Jensen
P.S. I attatched a picture. It's of all 6 of us Sisters up in the north part of our mission. After our split we met in Dortmund and all went out to lunch.
From Left:
Sister Bognar (my companion), Sister Garlick, Sister Bulloch (from Cedar City), Sister Floyd, Sister Jackson, and me!
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