Sorry my email is coming so late. We almost didn't have p-day this week! But we've been fabulously busy and lots of good things have happened.
Highlight for the week: We got transfer calls and Sister Schenk and I are staying together!
We were both so excited. We had actually called President on transfer call day, with news about a baptismal date we had just set, and we purposely called a little later in hopes that he would just go ahead and tell us if we were moving or not, and so we got to hear it direct from the source! A sneaky tactic I think I'll try to employ every six weeks, haha. But then of course I'll have to have lots of baptismal dates to tell him about. Which could happen, the way things are going! the work is really going well, and we're meeting with so many cool people.
Another awesome experience was on Saturday. Sister Schenk and I went to a baptism in Frankfurt, because it was for someone who Sister Schenk had taught when she was there. We did a musical number for it, as well, which reminded me very strongly of when I was little, and Jess and I sang at everyone's baptisms, haha. Louis came with us to the baptism, and he said he really felt the spirit, and it helped him to understand baptism.
Louis is doing great! He has such strong faith. He reads in the Book of Mormon every day, he hasn't missed church yet. I think he's really on track to find his answer. I think the most wonderful thing about our message is that everyone can find out for himself if it's true or not. No one has to take our word for it. I think some people are afraid to, because it would mean that they would have to change their lives, if what we are saying is true. But there are so many people out there who have been looking so long for answers, and for truth, that they'll do anything to know. Those are the people God speaks to!
So our p-day has been sort of spread over three days (a few hours at a time), but we did have time to go to a really cool park where they took a bunch of old, historic buildings from all over Germany, packed them up, and shipped them to a park really close to where I live. They built a little city out of all these old houses, so it's like a museum, but a whole city. They even have actors who dress up in 1700's clothing and walk around, churn butter and all that jazz. It was really cool! I'll try to attach some photos.
We went with an investigator, and Brother and Sister Orum from our ward drove us. Brother Orum is from Denmark, and he reminds me SO much of Grandpa Jensen. But with a really thick accent.
Well, that's about it! I'm having such a good time. We had a couple of days where everything seemed to be going wrong, and we missed every train, and every appointment fell out, etc., and we were pretty discouraged, but we talked about it, pepped each other back up, and now it's going great again! Satan will have to find a better way to get us down. ;)
I love you all! I hope all is going well back home!
Sister Jensen
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