Saturday, April 30, 2011

Last week with Sister Thaden :(


So this week is the last week of this cycle, which doesn't mean a lot for me since I'll be staying here in Friedrichsdorf, but it means a lot to Sister Thaden, who is GOING HOME! It's crazy. We've still been really really busy, but she is also trying to pack, and I'm trying to get the apartment all cleaned out for the next sister. I'm pretty excited to find out who my next companion will be, but I will miss Sister Thaden like crazy. She was such a good trainer!

Well, the highlight for this week would be Easter, I think! We had a really wonderful church service on Sunday, and Karin came and she really felt the spirit. She was even tearing up at some of the Easter songs we sang.

One cool thing about Easter in Germany is that everyone gets 4 days off work! On Friday they have 'Karfritag' (good Friday?), which they get off work, and then Saturday and Sunday, and they also get 'Ostermontag' (Easter Monday) off work! It's pretty crazy. For the last four days, EVERYTHING has been shut down, except the bakeries, which seem to be open all the time no matter what, haha. People make a pretty big deal about decorating for Easter, too. They to Easter Trees, just like Christmas Trees, except the ornaments are all decorated eggs. And sometimes they're not trees, but just like a vase of branches. They're really cool, though! I think I want to bring that tradition back to the states. :)

Anyway, we changed pday to today because of Easter, and all of the stores being shut down. But today our whole district is going to Frankfurt and we're going to watch a soccer practice, get lunch, and then go to a museum. Should be fun! Our district leader is also going home this cycle, so we're doing lots of fun stuff together.

Well, I need to keep this short, but I love you all! Glad we all had the chance to think about Christ this weekend. Keep that fire and love for Christ burning all week long. You never have to wait for a holiday to appreciate the Atonement and the Resurrection. It really is a wonderful, miraculous thing. I am so grateful for my brother who sacrificed so much for me, and for all of you, so that we can live again after this life, and be together as one big family forever.

Love you all!
Sister Jensen

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